5 Diet And Exercise Tips That May Help The Pudgy Parrot Lose Weight

Are you a parrot owner concerned about Polly putting on some extra weight? Obesity in parrots can cause health issues and place strain on vital organs. Your avian veterinarian can weigh the bird using a gram scale to determine if your pet is indeed overweight. If the vet expresses concern about your pet's weight, you may be wondering how to help your feathered friend get fit and healthy. Here are some helpful tips for the pudgy parrot needing to get in shape: Read More 

4 Things Chicken Owners Need To Know About Cloacal Prolapse

Cloacal prolapse, also called vent blow-out, is a painful condition that can affect your pet chickens. This condition means that part of your hen's oviduct—the tube within her abdomen that eggs travel through—sticks out of her vent, instead of remaining inside her abdomen where it belongs. Here are four things chicken owners need to know about cloacal prolapse. What causes cloacal prolapse? When a hen delivers an egg, it's normal for their vent to prolapse. Read More 

5 Things Rabbit Owners Need To Know About Enamel Spurs

Rabbits can develop a wide range of problems with their teeth, just like people can. Enamel spurs are one of the most common dental problems that pet rabbits develop. Here are five things rabbit owners need to know about enamel spurs. What are enamel spurs? Enamel spurs are sharpened pieces of tooth that cut the inside of your rabbit's mouth. Spurs can range in size from small slivers of sharpened enamel to whole teeth. Read More 

Oral Care For Pets: Why It’s More Important Than You Realize

Good oral health isn't just important for humans; pets need to take care of their pearly whites, too. Damaged or decaying teeth can lead to all kinds of problems in cats and dogs, so it's important that you keep an eye on your pet's teeth to ensure they stay healthy. Here are just a few reasons why caring for your dog or cat's teeth is more important that you may realize. Read More 

Fires And Floods: Preparing For A Natural Disaster When You Have A Dog & How To Help After Disaster Strikes

As a dog owner, you know your dog is part of the family, so you need to make sure you include him in your disaster preparation plans. You also need to learn a few basic ways you can help your pet if he does get caught in the middle of a fire or flood alongside you. Follow these tips on what you can do now to prepare for disaster and how to help your pet if he gets caught in the midst of one. Read More