3 Ways To Care For Your Pet’s Dental Health

Your pet's dental health influences its quality of life. Having different tools in your pet's oral health arsenal will help them lead happy, full lives and hopefully, reduce the need for dental procedures. 

Dental Treats

Dental treats are a great way to enhance your pet's oral health routine. However, treats are not a complete replacement for regular dental care. Dental chews work by gently scraping the surface of your pet's teeth when they chew on them. Unfortunately, this chewing motion misses the gum line, which means plaque buildup can still occur. 

However, dental treats are an excellent enhancement to your pet's dental routine and help with pets that are reluctant to accept brushing. 

Enzymatic Toothpaste

Enzymatic toothpaste is one of the easiest ways to get your pet on board with an oral health routine. This toothpaste has various tempting flavors like chicken, beef, or fish. It's safe for your pet to swallow, unlike traditional toothpaste. 

Enzymatic toothpaste works by establishing a good balance of bacteria in your pet's mouth. The enzymes in the toothpaste kill or limit harmful bacteria from taking hold of your pet's teeth. At the same time, the enzymes also encourage good bacteria to colonize your pet's mouth. 

You can use enzymatic toothpaste to get your pet into the habit of accepting having their teeth brushed. Start by letting your pet lick a small portion of the toothpaste from the tip of the toothbrush.

Next, practice touching the brush to the top, bottom, and sides of your pet's mouth. If your pet tolerates this, then you can proceed to start brushing your pet's teeth. 

Some pets take to brushing quickly because they like the feel of the bristles. Others will take much more convincing. However, even if your pet never accepts brushing, enzymatic toothpaste will still benefit their oral health, even if they only lick a small portion of paste from the brush. 

Regular Cleanings

Most pets will require annual dental cleanings with their vet. Although these cleanings are very similar to what occurs at your dentist, pet dental work is only performed under anesthesia. In addition, the use of anesthesia allows for a safe, calm experience for everyone involved. 

Using things like dental treats, enzymatic toothpaste, and brushing your pet's teeth reduces the need for regular dental cleanings. If you think it may be time for your pet to have a dental check-up, reach out to your vet today and schedule an appointment. 

For more information, contact a vet service such as Indian Creek Veterinary Hospital.
